11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (2024)

Want to do something a little less traditional? Give your loved one the gift of geek with these nerdy Valentine's Day gifts.

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (1)ByEmma Roth

Jan 28, 2021

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (2)

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Traditional Valentine's Day gifts are fine if you're a traditional kind of couple. But for most geeks? We're far from traditional!

There's nothing wrong with liking flowers and chocolates, but this year why not go a step further and gift your significant other something a little more geeky? Geeky can be romantic!

If you're at a loss for what that means, no worries. Here are some of the best geeky Valentine's Day gift ideas for your nerd partner.

1. Fog of Love Board Game

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (3)

Fog of Love is a unique board game in many ways, but the most interesting thing about it is that it simulates falling in love, starting a relationship, working through difficulties, all while balancing your own needs against your partner's desires.

It's a two-player role-playing game where each of you is asked to make decisions according to your character's traits, and each of you has to figure out what the other wants. If either of you is too selfish or too selfless, the relationship fails!

There's really no better board game for a couple that wants to explore the phenomenon of romance. There are same-sex and diversity-centric versions of the game as well.

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (4)Related: The Best Two-Player Coop Board Games for Couples

2. Romantic Picnic LEGO Set

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (5)

Did you think LEGO sets were only for kids? No way! Forget the dinosaurs, spaceships, and other fictional LEGO sets you normally think about—this one represents something real.

You can build it ahead of time and present the finished set to your partner, or you can work on it together! We recommend the latter. There's nothing better for Valentine's Day than quality time with your loved one, and this is perfect for that.

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (6)Related: The Most Impressively Cool LEGO Sets for Nerdy Adults

3. Han Solo + Princess Leia Art Print

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (7)

You just can't beat the classic dialogue between Star Wars' Princess Leia and Han Solo. When Princess Leia tells Han Solo, "I love you," he simply replies, "I know."

This improvised line has remained one of the most famous quotes in the Star Wars series. A print commemorating that line is a great gift for your Star War-loving partner.

4. Valentine's Day Adult Coloring Book

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (8)
11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (9)

Adult coloring books have been trending for several years now, and that trend isn't going anywhere. They're fun, they're creative, and they're a great way to relax—even if you have no art skills. Trust me, ANYONE can color.

And this romance-themed one is perfect for Valentine's Day. You could even color together if you want!

We recommend getting the hardcover version. It feels higher quality and better as a gift, plus it makes the coloring experience more enjoyable. But if you need to save a few bucks, the paperback version is perfectly fine too.

5. Custom Periodic Table Cutting Board

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (10)

If you're married, you can add your last name to this customizable cutting board. Display this cutting board in the kitchen as a scientific reminder of your love.

It uses periodic elements to spell out "Husband," "Wife," and "Forever." Your surname becomes the "bond" that a husband and wife form. How cutely geeky is that?

6. "Yoda One for Me" T-Shirt

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (11)

This top may not have Baby Yoda on it, but it's still just as cute. Show your partner that they're the one for you by getting them a t-shirt with a smiling Yoda and a Star Wars pun.

7. Zelda Valentine's Day Card

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (12)

You can't give a Valentine's Day gift without a card. This Legend of Zelda card probably shouldn't be your ONLY gift... but it's a great supplement that'll really make the day pop.

On the outside, you'll see Link holding a Heart Container, with the words "Love you..." The inside of the card continues the sentence, reading "With every piece of my heart."

It pays tribute to your relationship, while also referring to the health system in The Legend of Zelda games.

8. Romantic Jigsaw Puzzle

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (13)

An adult jigsaw puzzle is a fantastic geeky gift to give for Valentine's Day. It gives a reason for you two to spend time together—that oh-so-important quality time!—and when you're done, you can hang it up on the wall!

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (14)Related: Geeky Home Accessories and Decor Ideas

9. Player 1 + 2 Keychains

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (15)

If you and your partner love to game together, this quirky keychain is the perfect Valentine's Day gift. When the keychains come together, they form a heart.

Give your significant other the "Player One" or "Player Two" keychain, depending on the role they play the most, while you can keep the other one for yourself.

10. World's Okayest Couple Glasses

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (16)

It's unrealistic to say that you're the world's best couple. Instead of getting co*cky, get some wine glasses and enjoy the fact that you and your partner are the "World's Okayest Couple"!

11. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (17)

Do you plan on spending a romantic Valentine's Day at home? Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is one of the best local co-op games for couples, and its theme revolves around love.

So if you decide to ditch date night, explore the galaxy in this team-based space shooter.

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (18)Related: The Best Nintendo Switch Games for Couples

Celebrating a Geeky Valentine's Day

What better way to express your love to a geek than by giving them one of these nerdy Valentine's Day gifts? These trinkets will definitely make their day much more special.

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (19)Read next: Last-Minute Digital Gift Ideas That Are Perfect for Anyone

11 Geeky Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Your Nerdy True Love (2024)


How to make your girlfriend feel really special on Valentine's Day? ›

A well-planned date is a classic, ever-green way to make her feel special on Valentine's Day and a classic Valentine's Day surprise for her. Some may think of it as cliche, but a romantic date goes a long way in sealing her affection for you. Pick a restaurant of her liking, bring her flowers, and set the mood.

What should be gifted on Valentine's Day? ›

  • Personalised Flowers. Roses. Carnations. Orchids. Gerberas. Lilies.
  • Neon Lights.
  • All Plants.
  • Valentine's Chocolates. Same Day Chocolates.
  • Grooming Hampers.
  • Barware. Candles.

What do you think is the most popular Valentine gift? ›

What are the most popular gifts to send for Valentine's Day?
  • Flowers & Chocolates. ...
  • Cook a Romantic Dinner Together. ...
  • Treasure Hunt. ...
  • Couples Activity. ...
  • Make Your Own Card.

How can I surprise my boyfriend for no reason? ›

How to Surprise Your Boyfriend
  1. 1 Pay attention to what he likes.
  2. 2 Make a list.
  3. 3 Step out of your comfort zone.
  4. 4 Think outside the box.
  5. 5 Give him a gift for no reason.
  6. 6 Buy him tickets to something he would enjoy.
  7. 7 Spoil him for an entire day.
  8. 8 Plan a fun meal.

What should a boyfriend do for Valentines? ›

Spend some time putting together playlists for each other on your favorite streaming service. Choose Valentine's Day song that spark memories of your relationship or simply tunes you know your significant other will love. Then pour some wine, turn on the music, and reminisce. It's a gift you'll listen to year-round.

How can I make my crush happy on Valentine's Day? ›

Be honest, be yourself, and be your best self!
  1. Dress up your best: While approaching your crush on Valentine's Day, dress up well! ...
  2. Sharing a common interest: ...
  3. Funny text message: ...
  4. Flowers: ...
  5. Hand-written letter: ...
  6. Give a heartfelt gift: ...
  7. DIY to impress your crush! ...
  8. Create a romantic playlist:
Jan 18, 2024

How do I make my girlfriend feel romantic? ›

100 Ways to be Romantic | A dummies guide to being romantic
  1. The obvious one - buy some flowers. ...
  2. Buy some chocolates – but again, the ones your partner likes. ...
  3. Take them on a romantic retreat. ...
  4. Go on a long walk. ...
  5. Make a meal for them. ...
  6. Declare tonight a film night. ...
  7. Write them a heartfelt letter. ...
  8. Take them dancing.

What are the three most common gifts during Valentine's Day? ›

Or, roses, chocolate-covered strawberries, and a box of chocolates still remain the most popular gifts for Valentine's Day.

What are three things people give on Valentine's Day? ›

A classic Valentine's Day gift, flowers and chocolates never go out of style. Choose your Valentine's favourite flower and chocolate to make it even more special. Give a piece of jewellery that symbolizes your love, such as a necklace, bracelet, or pair of earrings.

What is the second most popular Valentine's gift? ›

Highlights: Most Popular Valentines Day Gifts Statistics

52% of Valentine's Day gift-givers buy candy, making it the most gifted item. 36% of people gift flowers on Valentine's Day. Jewelry is the second most popular gift, with 21% of people opting for it. About a third of people plan a special dinner for the holiday.

What are the top 3 items consumers buy for Valentine's Day? ›

“With consumers prioritizing their spouse or significant other this year, retailers expect to see a shift in spending for certain gifting categories.” The top gifts include candy (57%), greeting cards (40%), flowers (39%), an evening out (32%), jewelry (22%), clothing (21%) and gift cards (19%).

What is the most purchased Valentine's Day gift in the United States? ›

For Valentine's Day 2024, roughly half of surveyed U.S. shoppers said they would buy chocolate or candy as a gift for another, making it the most shopped for Valentine's Day gift. About a third of respondents said they intended to purchase flowers.

Does a girl get her boyfriend something for Valentine's Day? ›

A number this big indicates that everyone, both men and women alike, enjoy buying and receiving gifts for Valentine's Day. Just as you would like a gift on Valentine's Day, your boyfriend would surely appreciate one as well. However, getting a Valentine's gift for your boyfriend is often easier said than done.

Do I get my boyfriend a gift for Valentines Day? ›

Receiving sweet, romantic gifts on Valentine's Day is totally romantic, so it's important to keep up the same energy for your boyfriend — because even though your SO is super low maintenance and swears that he doesn't want anything, deep down, you know he's hoping you come through with something big.


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