Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (2024)

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This whole wheat pie crust recipe is a very simple recipe to make. It comes together quickly and there are only about a million different things you can do with it.

Since this is a basic dough, there are tons of things you can make with it. If you will be making a pie, you could add cinnamon or another complementary spice to the dough, and use olive or safflower oil.

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (1)

If you are making something savory, like the Pesto Quiche With Sun Dried Tomatoes I made a little while back, then try mixing in some Italian spice or garlic into the dough, and use olive oil.

Pie crust doesn’t have to be boring. You just have to get creative. But stay light on the spices so they don’t overpower what you are filling the crust with! About 1/2 tsp. per batch of dough. This extra spice should compliment the finished dish, not overwhelm it.

The great thing about piecrusts is once they are filled, you can pretty much freeze any recipe you’ve made to keep on hand for one of those busy work nights. Or, just freeze the dough in the pie tin if you prefer a more “fresh” approach. Fill it last minute, pop it in the oven, and you’ve got a quick meal any day of the week!

What Pie Filling Goes Well With This Crust?

This is truly an all-purpose crust. It’s versatile and will hold just about anything. Because it’s not a butter crust, the texture is more of a crumby crust than a flaky crust. But it makes super delicious pies just the same, and it’s a perfect pie crust for quiches as well. Avoid the urge to add butter, shortening, or lard. It won’t work well with this recipe.

So what can you put in this? Here are some suggestions:

  • Apple pie
  • Blueberry pie
  • Pecan pie
  • Peanut Butter Pie
  • Quiche
  • Cherry pie
  • Raspberry pie
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Cranberry pie
  • Banana cream pie
  • Chocolate cream pie
  • Coconut meringue pie
  • Fresh strawberry pie

Vegan Pie Crust Recipe

If you want to turn this into a vegan pie crust, it’s super easy! I’ve made it both ways and it turns out super well either way. Simply substitute the regular milk for unsweetened almond milk and you’re good to go!

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (2)

Should You Cook This Pie Crust Before Filling It?

Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to do so. It may not need it for some recipes, but for most, it’s a good idea so that the bottom of the crust doesn’t stay soggy under a wet filling. You can even use pie weights if you wish, though I have never found them to be necessary with this recipe.

To Bake This Crust

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Bake the crust for 10-15 minutes, or until you see a change in color. It won’t get golden brown in just those few minutes, but that’s okay. Just bake it until the middle seems at least mostly cooked if not fully cooked. The timing can vary by oven.

How Many Pie Crusts Does This Recipe Make?

In general, this recipe will make approximately two 8 or 9-inch pie crusts. You may have a little dough left over. I usually make a small hand pie out of any leftovers.

Can I Make This Dough In A Stand Mixer Or Food Processor?

Stand Mixer – You can absolutely blend this in a stand mixer using a dough hook.

Food Processor – If your food processor comes with a dough hook, then you can use that too. If it doesn’t, I would avoid it. Simply place everything in the bowl of a food processor with the proper attachment and mix.

About The Ingredients

Whole wheat pastry flour– Plus extra on reserve. Regular whole wheat flour is too dense for this recipe, and all-purpose flour is not clean. If you cannot find the pastry version, then look for “white whole wheat flour”. It’s the next best thing after whole wheat pastry flour, and it’s more readily available in most places.

Salt– I used pink Himalayan salt, but you can use whatever salt you normally bake or cook with. Fine sea salt or kosher salt works well.

Oil– I usually use liquid coconut oil. But any light-flavored oil will work.

Milk– Any type except coconut milk – it’s too thick.

How To Make Whole Wheat Pie Crust

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (3)

First, prepare your pie tins. Spray your tin with a coat of spray-on oil from an oil sprayer, or use your fingers or a paper towel to spread the oil over the pan.Add about ⅛ cup whole wheat pastry flour to your tin from your reserve flour (not from the 2¾ cups for the crust)Shake your tin around until the flour completely coats the surface of the pie pan. Then set it aside.Next, make the dough.

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (4)

Put flour and salt into a mixing bowl and mix.

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (5)

Measure your milk and oil into the same cup.

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (6)

Knead the mixture well, by hand, until you have a firm dough. It takes some doing, so don’t give up.

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (7)

Place your dough on a large piece of parchment paper. Flatten slightly with your hands or rolling pin, and then place another large sheet of parchment paper over the top so the dough is sandwiched in between. Roll with your rolling pin until your dough is about ⅛ inch to ¼ inch thick.

You may need to lift the parchment occasionally or flip the whole thing over to get rid of wrinklesin the parchment. Remove the top sheet of parchment, and roll out any wrinkles left in the dough by the parchment. You should have a nice, even, and smooth piece of dough. Divide your dough in half.

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (8)

Place your tin upside down on your dough. Flip the whole thing over, and mold the dough into your tin, being careful not to rip the dough.

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (9)

Cut the excess dough around the edge of the pan. Keep your knife upright so you get a nice even cut. Crimp with a fork, and then place the whole thing in a large zip lock bag.Place in the freezer and you’ve got whole wheat Pie Crust any time you need it!

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (10)

Ta-da! The finished pie crust.

How To Store Whole Wheat Pie Crust

This will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days if packed well. After that, you’ll want to freeze it. In either case, wrap it well. I usually store mine in a zipper-top food storage bag that I press air out of before zipping it up. If you make multiple crusts, you can freeze them stacked if you wish, but put a piece of parchment or plastic wrap between them.

Recipe Supplies

For this recipe, you’ll need a standard pie pan, a rolling pin, and a mixing bowl. You can click on any of the images here to be taken to that product on Amazon. (Affiliate links)

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (11)
Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (12)
Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (13)

Holiday Pie Recipes

  • Pumpkin Pie Recipe
  • Pecan Pie Recipe
  • Chocolate Pie

Whole Wheat Pie Crust Recipe Card

Adapted from a recipe found on AllRecipes that no longer exists on their site.

Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (15)

Whole Wheat Pie Crust Recipe

This easy-to-make, clean eating pie crust recipe is not only more nutritious than most thanks to being whole grain, it’s also really delicious! It’s a heartier crust than store-bought, but it has a really nice flavor that compliments any filling. This recipe makes enough for two pie crusts so the data below is for both of them cut into 8 pieces.

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Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Prep Time: 30 minutes minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes minutes

Servings: 16 servings

Calories: 136kcal


  • Standard pie pan


  • cups whole wheat pastry flour (affiliate link) plus extra on reserve
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • ½ cup oil
  • ½ cup milk (any type except coconut milk – it’s too thick)

US CustomaryMetric


  • First, prepare your pie tins.

    Spray your tin with a coat of spray-on oil from an oil sprayer, or use your fingers or a paper towel to spread the oil over the pan.

    Add about ⅛ cup whole wheat pastry flour to your tin from your reserve flour (not from the 2¾ cups for the crust)

    Shake your tin around until the flour completely coats the surface of the pie pan. Then set it aside.

    Next, make the dough.

    Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (16)

  • Put flour and salt into a mixing bowl and mix.

    Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (17)

  • Measure your milk and oil into the same cup.

    Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (18)

  • Mix well by hand until you have a firm dough. It takes some doing, so don’t give up.

    Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (19)

  • Place your dough on a large piece of parchment paper. Flatten slightly with your hands or rolling pin, and then place another large sheet of parchment paper over the top so the dough is sandwiched in between. Roll with your rolling pin until your dough is about ⅛ inch to ¼ inch thick. You may need to lift the parchment occasionally or flip the whole thing over to get rid of wrinklesin the parchment.

    Remove the top sheet of parchment, and roll out any wrinkles left in the dough by the parchment. You should have a nice, even, and smooth piece of dough. Divide your dough in half.

    Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (20)

  • Place your tin upside down on your dough. Flip the whole thing over, and mold the dough into your tin, being careful not to rip the dough.

    Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (21)

  • Cut the excess dough around the edge of the pan. Keep your knife upright so you get a nice even cut. Crimp with a fork, and then place the whole thing in a large zip lock bag.Place in the freezer and you’ve got whole wheat Pie Crust any time you need it!

    Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (22)

  • Ta da!

    Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (23)


Please note that the nutrition data below is a ballpark figure. Exact data is not possible.


Serving: 1serving | Calories: 136kcal | Carbohydrates: 15g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 7g | Sodium: 123mg | Potassium: 84mg | Fiber: 2g | Vitamin A: 10IU | Calcium: 16mg | Iron: 0.7mg

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Clean Eating Pie Crust Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to a good pie crust? ›

Start with chilled ingredients

Butter creates a sturdy, crisp pie crust. For this, it is important to keep all ingredients cold which will inhibit the development of gluten in the flour. Use butter right out of the refrigerator and add ice-cold water to make the dough.

Is butter or Crisco better for pie crust? ›

My preferred fat for pie crusts will always be butter. To me, it is all about flavor, and no other fat gives flavor to a crust like butter does. Other fats, even though they have great pros, lack flavor,” De Sa Martins said. “The more flavorful the butter, the more flavor your pie crust will have,” Huntsberger added.

Does adding vinegar to pie crust stop gluten? ›

Vinegar, buttermilk, lemon juice, and vodka all change the interaction of the liquid and gluten in the dough. But the difference between a dough with acid in it and one without (when made with the same technique) is infinitesimal.

What does adding vinegar to your pie crust do? ›

Apple cider vinegar is added to relax the gluten proteins in your dough and tenderize it.

What is the best type of flour to use for pie crust? ›

Choose all-purpose flour or pastry flour. Don't skip or reduce the salt; it's critical for flavor. Various types of fat work well; choose your favorite. Add just enough liquid to hold the dough together.

What is a healthy substitute for Crisco in pie crust? ›

Coconut oil makes a great one-to-one swap for shortening, but keep in mind that it might impart a subtle coconut flavor to your baked goods.

What happens if you use too much Crisco in pie crust? ›

When there is too much fat in the pie crust, it crumbles. There isn't enough flour to form the flakes, so the extra fat just melts as it bakes and the pie crust falls apart as you cut into it. Baking is a precise art; you must measure the flour, salt, fat and water carefully or your pie crust won't turn out well.

Why do people put vodka in pie crust? ›

The vodka works for two reasons. First, it makes the dough feel way more moist and easier to work with. Second, the ethanol in the vodka stops the gluten in the flour from binding, making for a more tender end product.

Is vodka better than water in pie crust? ›

The water in pie dough is necessary for workability, but too much is a bad thing. By replacing some of the liquid with vodka you are inhibiting gluten formation. Gluten forms when flour is in contact with water and is agitated. It does not form in alcohol, so it is a natural choice.

Why did my pie dough turn GREY? ›

“Well-wrapped, pie dough can be stored in the fridge for two to three days, or in the freezer for up to three months,” says David. “After day three in the fridge, you can expect your dough to oxidize, turning a grayish color.” This is completely normal, but can be postponed by adding a bit of vinegar to your recipe.

Why is pie crust so bad for you? ›

Often made with shortening or hydrogenated oils, pie crusts are loaded with saturated fats and empty calories – and not much else. In fact, a pre-made pie crust made with hydrogenated oil contains a whopping 8 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat (almost 20% of the DV), and zero fiber per serving.

What happens if you don't chill pie dough? ›

Non-chilled crust is fairly crumbly and less smooth, which makes it harder to roll out and means it may not look as polished. It will brown more quickly and the final product will likely be tougher, heavier, and more doughy – none of those in a bad way. It will likely have a more intense, butter flavor.

What makes a pie unhealthy? ›

Sadly, they're not great as a regular part of your diet. An average individual meat pie provides around 450kcal, but the biggest problem is the 12g of saturated fat inside it – that's more than half the daily guideline. If you have buttery mashed potato or chips on the side, the fat content of your meal is even higher.

What is the most important thing when making pie crust? ›

#1—Cut the fat into the flour

Over-mixing frequently leads to a tough product. Pie dough is no different—the less you handle it, the better the result. Recipes for pie dough use the “rubbing” mixing method to combine the fat into the dry ingredients.

How long should you chill pie dough before rolling out? ›

Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes, or up to overnight. Tip: Chilling hardens the fat in the dough, which will help the crust maintain its structure as it bakes. And the short rest before rolling relaxes the dough's gluten, helping prevent a tough crust.

What are two things we should do to the pie crust before par baking? ›

After dough has rested, crimp the edges of the dough, and prick the bottom and the sides of your pie shell at least 15 times. Line a piece of aluminum foil around your crust and fill with pie weights. Place your pie crust on the pre-heated sheet pan and bake for 20 minutes.

What is the secret to crispy bottom pie crust? ›

Sprinkle dried breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes, or other types of cereal, on the bottom crust before filling and baking in the oven.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.